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In order to provide a better and more professional service to our clients we constantly develop partnerships with leading companies in the financial market. One of the focuses of such cooperation is the establishment and maintenance of strong relations with insurance companies.

Realconsulting’s permanent partners are the KUPALA insurance company, which is part of the European group “VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP” and has managed to establish itself on the insurance market in Belarus, as well as RK Nedvizhymost LLC providing insurance mediating services.

The main task of our partners is to maintain the financial stability of clients using insurance instruments. In their work, they adhere to European insurance standards and strictly fulfill their obligations.

Contacts: Igor Sadlivsky +375 (25) 549-86-22 isadlivsky@gmail.com

1. Home property insurance

2. Property of enterprises, organizations, institutions, and individual entrepreneurs

3. Insurance of vehicles owned by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (CASCO insurance)

4. Insurance of buildings of citizens

5. Cargo insurance

6. Insurance of vehicles owned by individuals (CASCO insurance)

7. Insurance against accidents and illnesses during a trip abroad

8. Medical expenses insurance

9. Insurance of drivers and passengers against accidents

10. Insurance of civil liability and expenses of apartment owners

11. Comprehensive insurance of property and civil liability of its users

12. Comprehensive insurance of buildings and civil liability of their users

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